Shalon: Prepare for Midterm Elections (Conversation & Dinner)

Event Details

Event Address

San Francisco venue
Will be shared after registration
San Francisco, CA 94110


The right to vote is a cornerstone of our society in the United States. We are living in a tumultuous time filled with confusion, disagreement, disillusionment, but also with hope. Getting involved with the political process, understanding what candidates stand for, what ballot initiatives mean and how they'll impact us and our neighbors is critical if any of us expect our government and our laws to reflect our values. 

At Shalon, we come together in a welcoming environment to ask questions, to share information and to engage each other over an incredible meal. Join us at the table as we learn from experts, share our experience and expand our perspective. 

We’ll talk about: 

  • How each of us can help to elect candidates and drive policy we believe in
  • The most effective ways to encourage others to get involved and vote
  • What specific elements of the local ballot mean to our community in the short and long term

Come with ideas, questions and a good appetite - we can’t wait to break bread, bread barriers and break the silence with you! If cost is prohibitive, please email to work something out. 
