About Our Executive Director, Michael G. Pappas, M.Div.
Michael G. Pappas was born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. He graduated from Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA) in 1983, after which he successively worked as a lobbyist, regional field director for a presidential campaign and investment banker for the oldest municipal bond firm in New Jersey. In 1987, he left the world of politics & finance and enrolled at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, MA) attaining an M.Div., with honors, in the class of 1992. An ordained priest of the Greek Orthodox Church, Michael served parishes in Palos Hills, IL, Stockton, CA, and San Francisco, CA. During his sixteen-year ministry, he was a prolific writer, contributing articles to numerous religious and secular periodicals. As well, he devoted energy to work with the homeless and further ecumenical and interfaith relationships. After transitioning from parish ministry in 2007, he was selected by the San Francisco Interfaith Council to the newly created administrative post of Executive Director. In his tenure as Executive Director Michael has helped increase the Council’s budget and programs substantially; strengthened existing and cultivated new relationships with civic leaders, NGOs, judicatories and congregations; and significantly projected the SFIC through expanded use of technology.
His previous/current board memberships include: Mayoral appointments to the San Francisco Aging & Adult Services Commission, San Francisco Human Rights Commission, San Francisco Disaster Council, San Francisco Office of Civic Engagement's 2010 & 2020 Census Complete Count Committees, and San Francisco Assisi Sister City Committee. He has also served as a Board Member of the National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi; Board of Directors & Program Committee Chair of the Interfaith Center at the Presidio; The San Francisco Foundation FAITHS Advisory Board; Episcopal Charities Board of Trustees; San Francisco Night Ministry Advisory Board; United Religions Initiative (URI) North America Region Leadership Council and Global Council Trustee; member of the Board of Directors of the American Red Cross Bay Area Chapter; Aspen Institute Religious Pluralism & Multifaith Engagement Cohort; member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Relations Council.
He is the father of two sons, George and Paul, and one daughter, Julia. He is a congregant at Grace Episcopal Cathedral in San Francisco.
Sharon Demko, Program/Administrative Associate
Sharon Demko grew up in South Florida. She received a B.S. in Business Communication and a minor in Creative Writing from Florida State University. Her career began in marketing communication for emerging technology companies, which led her to move to San Francisco in 1998. In 2002, she was able to merge her passions for wellness and startup companies by helping to build The Bar Method Franchise. Working closely with the founder for over 14 years, Sharon made strategic recommendations and designed solutions for The Bar Method to scale and build a profitable luxury boutique fitness franchise with over 100 locations while maintaining brand excellence. During the pandemic in 2020, Sharon created her wellness brand, Her Mission Community, which supports women’s long-term well-being by delivering longevity-based fitness classes in a studio in San Francisco, on-demand via an online video platform, and through a certification course for personal trainers. Sharon has been a long-time volunteer with various service organizations in the Bay Area. She has also served on the board of an international NGO with the One Health mission to fund research and education to prevent zoonotic disease transmission, such as COVID-19. She is excited to combine her varied skills and experience to support SFIC in its work to bring diverse groups together and promote the well-being of the most underserved populations in San Francisco.
Current Board Members
Fr. Mesrop Ash, Chair (St. John Armenian Apostolic Church)
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Butler, Vice Chair (SF African American Faith-Based Coalition, San Francisco Branch NAACP, UCSF and Third Baptist Church)
Rev. Fred Harrell, Treasurer (City Church San Francisco)
- Kashif Abdullah (San Francisco Islamic School)
- Rev. Dr. Leroy Adams, Jr. (Providence Baptist Church)
- Derick Brown (University of San Francisco)
- Tessa Rouverol Callejo (Nonprofit Consultant, St. Agnes Catholic Church - Parishioner)
- Winnie Chu
- Rev. Beate Chun (St. Francis Lutheran Church)
- Rev. Staci Current (Temple United Methodist Church)
- Andrew Galvan (Old Mission Dolores and Ohlone Nation)
- Rev. Marci Auld Glass (Calvary Presbyterian Church)
- Rabbi Jessica Zimmerman Graf (Congregation Sherith Israel)
- Paige Hosking (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- Father Kevin Kennedy (Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption)
- Rev. Junchol Lee (Swedenborgian Church)
- Sister Kyoko Kimura (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center)
- The Rev. Canon Anna Rossi (Grace Cathedral)
- Rita R. Semel, Past Chair (Congregation Emanu-El)
- Swami Tattwamayananda (Vedanta Society of Northern California)
- Rev. Trent Thornley (San Francisco Night Ministry)
- Rev. Marvin K. White (Glide Memorial Church)