The San Francisco Interfaith Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Your contribution will enable the San Francisco Interfaith Council to continue to engage in activities vital to interfaith cooperation, philanthropic service and social justice. Click here for a Snapshot of the SFIC's Important Work! Thank you for your generous support!
Congregation/Organization Contribution Form Here!
Individual Contribution Form Here!
Donate to SFIC Online Here!
Individual Supporters - 2024 Here
Rita R. Semel Endowment Fund Supporters - 2024 Here
- Catholic Charities
- Episcopal Community Services
- GLIDE Foundation
- The Healing Well
- Institute on Aging
- Islamic Networks Group (ING)
- Jewish Community Relations Council
- Lutheran Social Services
- Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California
- Pacifica Institute
- Providence Foundation
- Salvation Army
- St. Anthony Foundation
- St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Tabernacle Community Development Corporation
- Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center
- Calvary Presbyterian Church
- Christ Church, Lutheran
- Congregation Beth Sholom
- Congregation Emanu-El
- Congregation Sha'ar Zahav
- Congregation Sherith Israel
- First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
- Grace Cathedral
- Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
- Konko Church of San Francisco
- Noe Valley Ministry
- Old First Presbyterian Church
- Presbyterian Church in Chinatown
- Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church
- St. Agnes Catholic Church
- St. Francis Lutheran Church Endowment - SF
- St. John's United Church of Christ
- St. Mary & St. Martha Lutheran Church
- Temple United Methodist Church
- Trinity+St. Peter's Episcopal Church
- Unity Spiritual Center of San Francisco
- The Boldt Company
- Donate Stock Charitable, Inc.
- Ground Floor Public Affairs
- St. Mark's Square
- TBS Site Services
- University of California San Francisco
- Waffles & Honey Jewelry
Educational Institutions
- Archbishop Riordan High School
- Brandeis School of San Francisco
- Notre Dame High School Belmont
- San Francisco Islamic School
- San Francisco State University
- University of San Francisco
- Bigglesworth Family Foundation
- Colleen & Robert D. Haas Fund
- Crankstart
- Walter & Elise Haas Fund
- Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
- Koret Foundation
- The George and Judy Marcus Family Foundation
- Sierra Health Foundation
- Omer G. Voss Charitable Fund
Individuals - Prayer Breakfast Sponsors
- Rev. Beate Chun
- Porth Family
- Archdiocese of San Francisco
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Episcopal Diocese of California
- Japanese American Religious Federation of San Francisco
- United Methodist Church - Bay District