Humanitarian Aid / Relief NGOs Resources
In times of crisis communities of faith are first responders. The San Francisco Interfaith Council (SFIC) offers this comprehensive list of faith-based and non-sectarian aid agencies and encourages your generous financial support.
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- American Jewish World Service
- American Red Cross
- American Red Cross - Hawaii Wildfires
- Baptist World Aid/Baptist World Alliance
- Catholic Relief Services
- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Charities
- Church World Service
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
- Embrace Relief
- Episcopal Relief & Development
- Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance
- Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Earthquake Relief Fund
- Humanity First
- Heifer International
- International Orthodox Christian Charities
- International Rescue Committee
- Islamic Relief
- Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
- Jewish Family and Children's Services
- Jewish Federation of Los Angeles
- Lutheran World Relief
- Maui Fire Relief Fund United Way
- Maui Food Bank
- Maui Strong Fund Hawai'i Community Foundation
- MAZON Jewish Hunger Relief
- MedGlobal
- Medical Assistance Program
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Mercy Without Limits
- National Baptist Convention
- Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
- NuDay Syria
- Outreach International
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- Project Hope
- Red Crescent
- Salvation Army
- Salvation Army - Support Hawaii Wildfire Survivors
- Save the Children
- Southern Baptist International Mission Board
- Swasia Charity Foundation
- Syria Relief & Development
- Syrian American Medical Society
- Tzu Chi Foundation
- Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
- White Helmets
- World Relief