About this Event
SF 2020: Mayor Breed and Community Leaders on Mobilizing the Vote
A digital convening hosted by the San Francisco Foundation, San Francisco Rising Action, and the San Francisco Interfaith Council. Featuring:
- Mayor London Breed
- Fred Blackwell, CEO, San Francisco Foundation
Additional Speakers:
- Rev. Ben McBride, PICO California
- Malcolm Yeung, Chinatown Community Development Center
- Mario Paz, Good Samaritan Family Resource Center, Vice Chair of Interfaith Council
- Neva Walker, Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth
- Sheryl Davis, Human Rights Commission
- Viva Mogi, SF Elections Commission
Two viruses have defined 2020 - COVID-19 and systemic racism - and we have an election that could be the tipping point leading to either recovery and reform or further disregard for the health and well-being of our communities. In this profound time of change, we invite you to join us for a rich dialogue about what is at stake for our city and state this election season. The conversation will touch on voter turnout strategies and key measures on the November ballot including Prop. 15 - the Schools and Communities First measure that will raise $12 billion for California's schools and local governments.
This event is intended for San Francisco community leaders, advocates, faith-based organizations, and non-profit agencies. Attendees will learn strategies to mobilize neighborhoods, communities, and constituents for the election.
Event Host Committee: Michael Pappas, San Francisco Interfaith Council; Neva Walker, Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth; Tessa Rouverol Callejo, San Francisco Foundation; Emily Lee, San Francisco Rising Action.
Event Co-Sponsors:
City and County of San Francisco
Causa Justa :: Just Cause
Chinatown Community Development Center
Chinese Progressive Association
Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth
Dolores Street Community Services
Good Samaritan Family Resource Center
Filipino Community Center
Mujeres Unidas y Activas
PICO California
San Francisco Foundation
San Francisco Interfaith Council
San Francisco Rising Action