Seats are Available
Free Disaster Response Training
What to do when a heat wave hits???
Heat events, prolonged periods of excessive heat, cause more deaths than any other natural disaster. Even though San Francisco temperatures are generally cool to moderate - heat waves have and will continue to occur locally. When a heat wave hits the City, nonprofit organizations serve as a key safety-net provider for our city's most vulnerable people. Attend the training to learn how to respond to a heat wave & how SF VOAD can provide support.
Benefits of Attending the Training:
- Network with local nonprofit, faith-based and community based organizations.
- Learn how you can support each other and the community during an emergency.
- Participate in a fun disaster prep quiz to win prizes.
- Frontline staff will be trained on how to respond when a heat wave hits and when your clients need help.
May 18th, 2017 10:00AM-11:30AM
220 Golden Gate Avenue
Thank you Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) for donating the space to hold the training.
Who Should Attend: Social workers, service providers, non-profits and faith based institutions.
RSVP on Eventbrite or contact
Thank you, Walter & Elise Haas Fund, for generously funding this training!