Celtic Spirituality celebrates the essential sacredness of all things. It remembers John the Beloved as leaning against Jesus at the Last Supper. It was said of him in the Celtic world that the therefore heard the heartbeat of God. He became a symbol of the practice of listening. We will explore this practice together and the implications of listening for the Sacred within ourselves and all people, and within the Earth and all its species.
Reception and book signing to follow.
John Philip Newell, internationally acclaimed Celtic teacher from Edinburgh, is the celebrated author of Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality. In 2011, he received the first-ever Contemplative Voices Award from the Shalem Institute in Washington DC for his work as poet, peacemaker, and scholar. Based in Scotland where he does most of his writing, he is also the Distinguished Visiting Scholar or Spirituality at Iliff School of Theology in Denver where he teaches every Spring. John Philip Newell is one of the most prominent Christian teachers of spirituality in the Western world and has authored over 15 books, including Christ of the Celts, Praying with the Earth, A New Harmony, and his most recent visionary title The Rebirth of God: Christianity’s Struggle for New Beginnings.
Purchase tickets at the Calvary website: https://calvarypresbyterian.org/event/j-philip-newell/