How We Change the World

Event Details

Event Address

Center for Spiritual and Social Transformation
1798 Scenic Ave
Bade Gallery
Berkeley, CA 94709


A Public Event and Celebration! Experience multi-media presentations and projects from PSR Change Maker Fellows and CSSC students.

Presentations include:
- Street Altars 
- Mindfulness Training for Anti-Racism Alliance Building
- FOR Peace Presence Columbia Delegation
- And many more!

Special guest, Kazu Haga of East Point Peace Academy, will facilitate using Kingian nonviolent principles and practices for social change work.

Event will include music, food, and You ! Let's celebrate and bring this work to our communities of change

Brought to you by The Center for Spiritual and Social Transformation, The PSR Office of Contextual Education, the PSR Changemaker Fellows, and The East Point Peace Academy, among many others.

Phone Number

