Liberal Paris Rabbi to Discuss Future of Jews in France

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Congregations Beth Israel Judea and Or Shalom
625 Brotherhood Way
San Francisco, CA 94132


Liberal Paris Rabbi to Discuss Future of Jews in France

Rabbi Tom Cohen, of the Kehilat Gesher Jewish community in the French capital, will address the timely subject “Being Jewish in Paris Now” in a June talk at Beth Israel Judea/Or Shalom.
The visiting rabbi will discuss being Jewish in the context of the Charlie Hebdo and kosher market killings in Paris, the rise of anti-Semitism across Europe, and increasing anxiety about contemporary Jewish life in France. The recent Atlantic magazine headline “Is it Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?” distills the concerns that Rabbi Cohen will address at BIJ/OS at 625 Brotherhood Way in San Francisco, on Tuesday, June 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Sponsored by BIJ and Or Shalom Jewish Community, the talk is free to the public, but donations will be gratefully accepted.
Rabbi Cohen, who was born and raised in Oregon, is a founding rabbi and leader of the liberal trilingual (French, English and Hebrew) Kehilat Gesher community in Paris’ 17tharrondissement. His wife, Rabbi Pauline Bebe, who was the first female rabbi in France, leads her own congregation in Paris. They live and have raised their four children in the heart of the Marais, the old Jewish arrondissement.  
For more information, please contact Shae Hancock at Or Shalom Jewish Community.

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