Day of Healing and Reconciliation

Event Details

Event Address

Unity Spiritual Center of San Francisco
2690 Ocean Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132


Join SARK, Bill Shireman, Michael Pappas, Devaa Haley Mitchell, KC Baker, Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, Gavin Newsom (tentative), Jeanine Becker, Geoff Bruskin, Brenda Knight and beloved community for an afternoon of healing!

After an election season of unprecedented bitterness, we are calling upon residents of the San Francisco Bay Area, and our country as a whole, to come together in a spirit of unity, forgiveness, and solidarity so that we can better address the challenges our nation faces.

We come together as Americans who are committed to embody our national motto of E Pluribus Unum and engage in respectful political discourse rather than warfare.

We assemble to heal the wounds of the election, recommit to our country’s greater good, and mend the divisions that are threatening to tear us asunder.

Along with other communities around the country, we will tune in with the live broadcast coming from our nation’s capital. We will also invite local leaders to join in this day of healing and reconciliation and engage in actions that bridge divides.

We will unify through uplifting music and pray together, honoring the many faiths that make our country great. We will share words of wisdom, rituals of forgiveness, and appreciative moments.

We will go beyond party labels and divisions of class, race, religion, and gender to remember that we are one American family and that all of us are needed in order to fulfill our country’s promise.

12-2 pm Pacific: Participate in and view the LIVE Broadcast from Washington, DC (see for details about the national event)
2-3:15pm Pacific:
~ Hear from SARK, Bill Shireman, Michael Pappas, and other local leaders from multiple sides of the political spectrum.
~ Break into smaller groups for discussion about your own response to the election and how we can heal the rifts among Americans. Small groups hosted by Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell, Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, KC Baker, Jeanine Becker, Brenda Knight and others.
~ Enjoy music from local artists
~ Bring some potluck finger food to share

Suggested donation: $10 at the door (but no one will be turned away for a lack of funds)

Host Committee:
Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon
Devaa Haley Mitchell
Geoff Bruskin
KC Baker
Jeanine Becker

We hope to see you there!

For more information, see the Facebook event page here:

Phone Number

