Getting to Know American Muslims and Their Faith

Event Details

Event Address

25 Jessie Street
Ecker Square
San Francisco, CA 94105


Getting to Know American Muslims and Their Faith

Date - Tuesday, July 26, 2016
10:00 am - 11:00 am


Ecker Square 25 Jessie Street - San Francisco

ING’s core presentation Getting to Know American Muslims and Their Faith is designed to be presented in schools, colleges and universities, and religious and community organizations.

It describes the basic beliefs and practices of Muslims and gives a brief overview of their history and of notable Muslims today. The presentation begins with basic terminology and the demographics of Muslims in the United States and the world, describes the major beliefs and practices of Islam, including major Muslim holidays, and expands on the faith’s principal theological teachings.

There will be ample time for Q & A and discussion with the speaker.

Phone Number

