Faith Leadership Call to Action

Event Details

Event Address

St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
1661 15th Street at Julian
San Francisco, CA 94103


For many months we have been working for accountability for the killing of Amilcar Perez Lopez. In that time, our clergy have been building alliances with #Justice4MarioWoods #Justice4AlexNieto and #Justice4LuisGongora coalitions. Just Monday, a Blue Ribbon panel investigating bias in the San Francisco Police Department released a damning preliminary report. This isn’t news to those of us who have been listening to the pain of people of color in our city. It is clear that police violence sits at the intersection of immigrant rights, gentrification, homelessness and criminal justice reform in San Franicsco.

More than ever we need a strong, unified, interfaith clergy voice for justice in our city. On June 2, we will gather at St. John the Evangelist to issue a moral call to heal our divided city. Specifically, we will bear witness to the need for reform of our police department, and call for the U.S. Department of Justice to undertake a comprehensive and binding investigation of the San Francisco Police Department. 

As faith leaders, we have a responsibility to bear witness against injustice and to stand in solidarity with those who are suffering and crying out. This is a moment of crisis in our city when we need to come together and speak prophetically. Please join us on June 2, along with laity and clergy from many traditions, and invite others to attend.

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