Advanced Proposal Writing Techniques Part 2

Event Details

Event Address

Alameda County Training and Education Center
125 Twelfth Street
Suite 400
Oakland, CA 94607


Join Us!
Tuesday - May 24, 2016
Advanced Proposal Writing Techniques Part 2

Guest Instructor:  Marsha Maloof of  Pendergrass and Associates Consulting
Participants learn advanced proposal writing skills to create the master proposal and begin pursuing multi-year funding.

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Check in begins: 8:30 am   Clinic begins: 9:00 am - Noon

Alameda County Training and Education Center
125 Twelfth Street, Suite 400 Oakland, California  94607

As courtesy, If you are unable to attend, please notify us so we can offer your seat to someone else.  Thank you.

To contact our staff call (510) 839-2440 or Email:

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