Police Accountability Forum

Event Details

Event Address

Congregation Sherith Israel
2266 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94115


Police Accountability Forum

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

We once thought that issues of excessive force and police brutality weren’t San Francisco concerns, but recent events have underscored that these issues have local as well as national resonance. Please join us for a forum on police accountability with SFPD Chief Greg Suhr and Public Defender Jeff Adachi, moderated by Michael Krasny, host of KQED’s Forum. 

Chief Suhr recently announced a reworking of SFPD’s use-of-force policies and procedures currently under review by the Police Commission. “Hopefully these new efforts will help ensure citizen safety,” comments criminal defense attorney and congregant Eric Safire, who organized the forum. “San Francisco has traditionally had the most progressive policies and investigations by citizen committees, as well as a firearms review board.”

Jeff Adachi’s office represents more than 23,000 people each year, many of whom have tangled with the police. He will share his views on this important topic. “We expect pointed questions and a lively dialogue,” says Eric.

This program is co-sponsored with the Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club.

Information: Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller, 415-346-1720, x25, or rabbijst@sherithisrael.org

Phone Number

415-346-1720, x25
