Congregation Sherith Israel Annual HIAS Refugee Shabbat

Event Details

Event Address

Congregation Sherith Israel
2266 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94115


As a sanctuary congregation, Congregation Sherith Israel will join with congregations throughout the U.S. to observe the annual HIAS Refugee Shabbat and to reaffirm our active support for immigrant people. We are honored to welcome as Kabbalat Shabbat speakers, Kateryna Holub and Oleksandr Zemliachenko, who fled Ukraine, and came to California to rebuild their lives and to heal. Both computer scientists, they have fascinating stories to tell us about their lives in Ukraine before the war, and the efforts of Ukrainian immigrants in California. They will share rare insights into the strategies by which the Ukrainians in their home country are fighting for freedom from invading Russian forces. 

Phone Number

(415) 346-1720
