Spiritual Sanctuary: Online Retreat at Grace Cathedral

Event Details

Spiritual Sanctuary: Online Retreat

April 18, 2020

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Rhythms have changed, priorities are shifting and many are adjusting to carrying on amidst an undercurrent of anxiety and uncertainty. Crisis has a way of crystalizing moments and revealing just how relative time can feel. We live in time, and also beyond time. It’s time for a virtual spiritual retreat.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Ellen Clark-King, the Rev. Kristin Saylor and the Rev. Heather Erickson will share some ideas of how to practice spirituality in the age of coronavirus, including a guided meditation, some breathing practices and a prayer walk — which may be experienced outside or inside your own home. The hope is to create some space to experience a sense of grace, a sense of holiness, and perhaps even to enter that time that is beyond time.

The RSVP link will be posted soon.