The Sacred Gaze - Part 2 with Fr. Terry Ryan

Event Details

Event Address

Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
100 Diamond St.
San Francisco, CA 94114


Join us as Fr. Terry Ryan speaks about the Sacred Gaze Part 2:

God made the world with differences. When we strive to be “like”
others, to fit in, we may be denying the unique person that God
made us to be. What we think we may want to be may not be who
God made us to be. Interior prayer can open us to the experience
of God gazing upon us as we truly are. We come to see ourselves
through the eyes of the Creator. The prayer of detachment from
a focus on thoughts can take us to the place of silence and
stillness where we encounter the unmediated experience of the
In this second part of The Sacred Gaze we will continue to examine
our encounters with The God who delights in us. Isaiah 49:16
I have inscribed you on the palm of my hand.

Phone Number
