Location: Heritage Hall /Lower Level of St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Topic: Climate Resilience in an Age of Political Polarization
Reflective Moment: Rev. Vanessa Southern, Senior Minister, Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, SFIC Immediate Past Chair
Featured Speaker: Rev. Gregory Stevens, CIPL Northern California Director
California Interfaith Power & Light (CIPL), birthed here in San Francisco out of Grace Cathedral over 20 years ago, has pioneered the faith & climate movement, promoting climate justice, building resilient communities, and creating sustainable policy solutions in the face of a rapidly changing and challenging political climate. SFIC February Monthly Breakfast featured presenter CIPL Northern California Director Rev. Gregory Stevens will provide insights and concrete strategies for developing climate resilience in your congregation, securing environmental funding, and navigating the challenges of climate policy advocacy in an era of political polarization. Join us to learn how faith communities, local governments, and grassroots organizations can continue to make a significant impact on climate justice and resilience in California and beyond.
Faith Journey: The Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, Interfaith Power and Light, Founder and Past President, Canon for the Environment Episcopal Diocese of California
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