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SFIC Interfaith Calendar 2025 Here!

Our Mission

Celebrating our diverse faiths and spiritual traditions, bringing people together to build understanding and serving our community.”

Who We Serve

We count as our constituents the 800 congregations in the City and County of San Francisco, their respective judicatories, sectarian educational and healthcare institutions, and the faith-based social service agencies that provide the social safety net for our most vulnerable residents.

Convening, Communicating and Advocacy

The San Francisco Interfaith Council (SFIC) convenes and amplifies the voice of our City’s faith-based community on such issues as homelessness, disaster preparedness response and recovery, civil and human rights, housing affordability, immigration and so much more.

“This is an interfaith community. Whatever our individual belief, it can be freely expressed here with no apologies. If we are invited to offer a prayer in this setting, it should be offered according to the tradition with which we identify. If we are invited to speak on a subject from the perspective of our tradition, we are free to do so without fear of offending those who come from another tradition. We come together as people of faith to learn from each other that we might better understand the multiplicity of faith traditions in our city and in our world.”
Introductory Statement spoken before each meeting

Our Work

During this time of social change in San Francisco, civic leaders and the public view the SFIC as the “go-to” organization for mobilizing our City’s religious communities. Our diverse constituencies turn to us for resources, referral and representation. Our robust relationships and communications network of over 5,300 e-subscribers allow the SFIC to bring together and mobilize San Francisco’s faith-based community to create an effective, combined force for service and issues of public policy, so that we may accomplish together what no single faith entity can do alone.

To learn more about the work of the San Francisco Interfaith Council please visit: Who We Are and What We Do

The San Francisco Interfaith Council is a Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative.


Faith and Sanctuary: There Are No Strangers Video

The San Francisco Interfaith Council is pleased to share with our greater community the video featured at the 18th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, November 24, 2015.  The Prayer Breakfast, with its theme, "Faith and Sanctuary: There Are No Strangers" honored congregations and leaders who pioneered San Francisco's Sanctuary Movement 30 years ago, recognized those who continue the tradition and highlighted young people for whom the City's commitment has provided hope and safety! In this video, you will see and hear just a little over four minutes of testimony, of over eight hours of never-before-recorded precious archival  footage on this timely subject. We extend special thanks to all who appeared in this segment and to producer Theo Rigby and his team. With this material, and additional  interviews, it is our hope and vision to produce a more expansive and well-deserved full-length documentary on the Sanctuary Movement.

SANCTUARY: A short history from Theo Rigby on Vimeo.

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